Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

so would you let me be

we’ve get along together
i should have known
you’re the best that i can love
till now it’s hard for me to face it
why didn’t we meet each other soon

i left them all behind you, only for you
would you believe me
i put my trust on you
but deep inside i realize
that i can’t, no i can’t

they were all my brother
my cry and happiness

so would you let me be myself
reach all my my dreams and hopes
i know you’ve known me better
i know you love me, you do

your eyes says more than anything
that really means to me
so darling would you now
would you set me free

sejarah natal

     Kata Natal berasal dari bahasa Latin yang berarti lahir. Secara istilah Natal berarti upacara yang dilakukan oleh orang Kristen untuk memperingatri hari kelahiran Isa Al Masih- yang mereka sebut Tuhan Yesus.
     Peringatan Natal baru tercetus antara tahun 325-354 oleh Paus Liberius, yang ditetapkan tanggal 25 Desember, sekaligus menjadi momentum penyembahan Dewa Matahari, yang kadang juga diperingati pada tanggal 6 Januari, 18 Oktober, 28 April atau 18 Mei. Oleh Kaisar Konstantin, tanggal 25 Desember tersebut akhirnya disahkan sebagai kelahiran Yesus (Natal).
Kelahiran Yesus Menurut Bibel
     Untuk menyibak tabir Natal pada tanggal 25 Desember yang diyakini sebagai Hari Kelahiran Yesus, marilah kita simak apa yang diberitakan oleh Bibel tentang kelahiran Yesus sebagaimana dalam Lukas 2:1-8 dan Matius 2:1,10,11 (Markus dan Yohanes tidak menuliskan kisah kelahiran Yesus).
Lukas 2:1-8:
”Pada waktu itu Kaisar Agustus mengeluarkan suatu perintah, menyuruh mendaftarkan semua orang di seluruh dunia.
Inilah pendaftaran yang pertama kali diadakan sewaktu Kirenius menjadi wali negeri di Siria. Maka pergilah semua orang mendaftarkan diri, masing-masing di kotanya sendiri.
Demikian juga Yusuf pergi dari kota Nazaret di Galelilea ke Yudea, ke kota Daud yang bernama Betlehem, karena ia berasal dari keluarga dan keturunan Daud- supaya didaftarkan bersama dengan Maria, tunangannya yang sedang mengandung.
Ketika mereka disitu tibalah waktunya bagi Maria untuk bersalin dan ia melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, anaknya yang sulung, lalu dibungkusnya dengan lapin dan dibaringkannya di dalam palungan, karena tidak ada tempat bagi mereka dirumah penginapan.
Didaerah itu ada gembala-gembala yang tinggal di padang menjanga kawanan ternak mereka pada waktu malam.”
Jadi, menuru Bibel, Yesus lahir pada masa kekuasaan Kaisar Agustus yang saat itu yang sedang melaksanakan sensus penduduk (7M=579 Romawi).  Yusuf, tunangan Maryam ibu Yesus berasaldari Betlehem, maka mereka bertiga ke sana, dan lahirlah Yesus di Betlehem, anak sulung Maria. Maria membungkusnya dengan kain lampan dan membaringkannya dalam palungan (tempat makan sapi, domba yang terbuat dari kayu). Peristiwa itu terjadi pada malam hari dimana gembala sedang menjaga kawanan ternak mereka di padang rumput.
Menurut  Matius 2:1, 10, 11
Sesudah Yesus dilahirkan di Betlehem di tanah Yudea pada zaman Herodus, datanglah orang-orang Majus dari Timur ke Yerusalem. Ketika  mereka melihat bintang itu, sangat bersuka citalah mereka. Maka masukalah mereka kedalam rumah itu dan melihat Anak itu bersama Maria, ibunya.
               Jadi menurut Matius, Yesus lahir dalam masa pemerintahan raja Herodus yang disebut Herodus Agung yang memerintah tahun 37 SM- 4 M (749 Romawi), ditandai dengan bintang-bintang yang terlihat oleh orang-orang Majusi dari Timur.
Cukup jelas pertentangan kedua Injil tersebut (Lukas 2:1-8 dan Matius 2:1, 10, 11) dalam menjelaskan kelahiran Yesus. Namun begitu keduanya menolak kelahiran Yesus tanggal 25 Desember. Penggambaran kelahiran yang ditandai dengn bintang-bintang di langit dan gembala yang sedang menjaga kawanan domba yang dilepas bebas di padang rumput beratapkan langit dengan bintang-bintangnya yang gemerlapan, menunjukkan kondisi musim panas sehingga gembala berdiam di padang rumput dengan domba-domba mereka pada malam hari untuk menghindari sengatan matahari. Sebab jelas 25 Desember adalah musim dingin. Sedang suhu udara di kawasan Palestina pada bulan Desember itu sangat rendah sehingga salju merupakan hal yang tidak mustahil.
Bagi yang memiliki wawasan luas, hati terbuka dan lapang dalam mencari kebenaran, kitab suci Al-Quran telah memberikan jawaban tentang kelahiran Yesus (Isa alaihssalam).
”Maka rasa sakit akan melahirkan anak memaksa ia (Maryam) bersandar pada pangkal pohon kurma, ia berkata: ”Aduhai, alangkah baiknya aku mati sebelum ini, dan aku menjadi sesuatu yang tidak berarti, lagi dilupakan”. Maka Jibril menyerunya dari tempat yang rendah. ”Janganlah kamu bersedih hati, sesungguhnya Tuhanmu telah menjadikan anak sungai dibawahmu (untuk minum). Dan goyanglah pangkal pohon kurma itu kearahmu, niscaya pohon itu akan menggugurkan buah kurma yang masak kepadamu”
(Surat Maryam\19: 23-25)
Jadi menurut Al Quran Yesus dilahirkan pada musim panas disaat pohon-pohon kurma berbuah dengan lebatnya. Untuk itu perlu kita cermati pendapat sarjana Kristen Dr. Arthus S. Peak, dalam Commentary on the Bible – seperti dikutip buku Bible dalam Timbangan oleh Soleh A. Nahdi (hal 23): Yesus lahir dalam bulan Elul (bulan Yahudi), bersamaan dengan bulan Agustus-September.
Sementara itu Uskup Barns dalam Rise of Christianity – seperti juga dikutip oleh Soleh A. Nahdi berpendapat sebagai berikut:
”Kepercayaan, bahwa 25 Desember adalah hari lahir Yesus yang pasti tidak ada buktinya. Kalau kita percaya cerita Lukas tentang hari lahir itu dimana gembala-gembala waktu malam menjaga di padang di dekat Betlehem, maka hari lahir Yesus tentu tidak di musim dingin di saat suhu di negeri pegunungan Yudea amat rendah sekali sehingga salju merupakan hal yang tidak mustahil. Setelah terjadi banyak perbantahan tampaknya hari lahir tersebut diterima penetapannya kira-kira tahun 300 Masehi”
Pada Tahun Berapa Yesus Lahir?
Umat Kristen beranggapan bahwa Yesus dilahirkan pada tahun 1, karena penanggalan Masehi yang dirancang oleh Dionysius justru dibuat dan disesuaikan dengan tahun kelahiran Yesus. Namun Injil Lukas 2:1 (telah dikutip sebelumnya) menyatakan Yesus lahir dalam masa pemerintahan Kaisar Agustus jadi antara tahun 27 Sebelum Maseh-14 Sesudah Masehi. Sedangkan Matius: 2:1 (Juga telah dikutip) menyatakan Yesus lahir dalam masa pemerintahan raja Herodes Agung: tahun 37 Sebelum Masehi-4 Sesudah Masehi.
Ternyata antara pemahaman yang beredar di kalangan umat Kristen tentang kelahiran Yesus dengan berita yang disampaikan oleh Injil, Lukas maupun Matius, tidaklah menunjukkan suatu kepastian, sehingga ilmuwan-ilmuwan mereka ada yang menyatakan Yesus lahir tahun 8 Sebelum Masehi, tahun 6 Sebelum Masehi, tahun 4 sesudah Masehi. Antara lain  di kutip dari buku tulisan Rev. Dr. Charles Francis Petter, MA. . B.D., S.T.M. yang berjudul, The Lost Years of Jesus Revealed hal 119 sebagai berikut:
Pada abad ke-19 setelah terbukti dan akhirnya diakui bahwa Herodes telah mati 4 tahun sebelum masehi dan setelah ditetapkan, bahwa menurut cerita Matius (2:16) raja Herodes memerintahkan pembunuhan kanak-kanak umur/dibawah umur dua tahun untuk membinasakan Yesus harus digeser kebelakang, paling sedikit 4 tahun sebelum masehi. Masa kini para sarjana lebih condong menggeserkan tanggal lahirnya Yesus itu 5 sampai 6 tahun kebelakang tahun Masehi. Kesulitan menentukan tanggal kelahiran Yesus, kehidupannya, dan kematiannya terpaksa ditimbulkan kembali karena adanya keterangan-keterangan yang banyak terdapat dalam gulungan-gulungan Essene (yang terdapat di gua Qamran) malah soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan ketuhanan juga harus dibangkitkan kembali.
Jadi sampai hari ini pun tidak ada kejelasan tahun berapa Yesus dilahirkan.
Asal Usul Perayaan Natal 25 Desember
     Perintah untuk menyelenggarakan peringatan Natal tidak ada dalam Bibel dan Yesus tidak pernah memberikan contoh ataupun memerintahkan pada muridnya untuk menyelenggarakan peringatan kelahirannya.
Perayaan Natal baru masuk dalam ajaran Kristen katolik pada abad ke-4 M. Dan peringatan inipun berasal dari upacara adat masyarakat penyembah berhala. Dimana kita ketahui bahwa abad ke-1 sampai abad ke-4 M dunia masih dikuasai oleh imperium Romawi yang paganis politheisme.
Ketika Konstantin dan rakyat Romawi menjadi penganut agama Katolik, mereka tidak mampu meninggalkan adat/budaya pangannya, apalagi terhadap pesta rakyat untuk memperingati hari Sunday (sun=matahari: day=hari) yaitu kelahiran Dewa Matahari tanggal 25 Desember.
Maka supaya agama Katolik bisa diterima dalam kehidupan masyarakat Romawi diadakanlah sinkretisme (perpaduan agama-budaya/ penyembahan berhala), dengan cara menyatukan perayaan kelahiran Sun of God (Dewa Matahari) dengan kelahiran Son of God (Anak Tuhan=Yesus).
Maka pada konsili tahun 325, Konstantin memutuskan dan menetapkan tanggal 25 Desember sebagai hari kelahiran Yesus. Juga diputuskan, Pertama, hari minggu (Sunday=hari matahari) dijadikan pengganti hari Sabat yang menurut hitungan jatuh pada Sabtu. Kedua, lambang dewa matahari yaitu sinar yang bersilang dijadikan lambang Kristen. Ketiga, membuat patung-patung Yesus untuk menggantikan patung Dewa Matahari.
Sesudah Kaisar Kontantin memeluk agama Katolik pada abad ke-4 masehi, maka rakyat pun beramai-ramai ikut memeluk agama Katolik. Inilah prestasi gemilang hasil proses sinkretisme Kristen oleh Kaisar Konstantin dengan agama panganisme politheisme nenek moyang.
Demikian asal-usul Christmas atau Natal yang dilestarikan oleh orang-orang Kristen di seluruh dunia sampai sekarang.
Demikian kepercayaan panganis politheisme mendapat ajaran tentang Dewa Matahari yang diperingati tanggal 25 Desember.
Mari kita telususri melalui Bibel maupun sejarah kepercayaan panganis yang dianut oleh bangsa Babilonia kuno didalam kekuasaan raja Nimrod (Namrud).
H.W. Amstrong dalam bukunya The Plain Truth About Christmas, Worlwide Chrch of God, California USA, 1994, menjelaskan:
Namrud cucu Ham, anak nabi Nuh adalah pendiri sistem kehidupan masyarakat Babilonia kuno. Nama Nimrod dalam bahasa Hebrew (Ibrani) berasal dari kata “Marad”  yang artinya: “Dia membangkang atau Murtad antara lain dengan keberaniaannya mengawinkan ibu kandungnya sendiri bernama “Semiramis”.
Namun usia Namrud tidak sepannjang ibu sekaligus istrinya. Maka setelah Namrud mati, Semiramis menyebarkan ajaran: bahwa roh Namrud tetap hidup selamanya, walaupun jasadnya telah mati. Maka dibuatlah olehnya perumpamaan pohon “Evergreen” yang  tumbuh dari sebatang kayu mati.
Maka untuk memperingati kelahirannya dinyatakan bahwa Namrud selalu hadir di pohon Evergreen dan meninggalkan bingkisan yang digantungkan di ranting-ranting pohon itu. Sedangkan kelahiran Namrud dinyatakan tanggal 25 Desember. Inilah asal usul pohon Natal.
Lebih lanjut Semiramis dianggap sebagai “Ratu Langit” oleh rakyat Babilonia, kemudian Namrud dipuja sebagai “anak suci dari surga”.
Putaran jaman menyatakan bahwa penyembahan berhala versi Babilonia ini berubah menjadi “Mesiah palsu”, berupa dewa “Ba-al” anak dewa matahari dengan objek penyembahan ‘Ibu dan Anak (Semiramis dan Namrud) yang lahir kembali. Ajaran tersebut menjalar ke negara lain: Di mesir berupa “Isis dan Osiris”, di Asia bernama “Cybele dan Deoius”. Di Roma disebut Fortuna dan Yupiter. Bahkan di Yunani, “Kwan Im” di Cina, Jepang dan Tibet, India, Persia, Afrika, Eropa dan Meksiko juga ditemukan adat pemujaan terhadap dewa “Madonna” dan lain-lain.
Dewa-dewa berikut dimitoskan lahir pada tanggal 25 Desember, dilahirkan oleh gadis perawan (tanpa bapak), mengalami kematian (salib) dan dipercaya sebagai Juru Selamat (Penebus Dosa):
1.     Dewa Mithras (Mitra) di Iran, yang juga dinyatakan dilahirkan dalam sebuah gua dan mempunyai 12 orang murid. Dia juga disebut sebagai Sang Penyelamat, karena ia pun mengalami kematian dan dikuburkan, tapi bangkit kembali. Kepercayaan ini menjalar hingga Eropa. Konstantin termasuk salah seorang pengagum sekalugus penganut kepercayaan ini.
2.      Apollo, yang terkenal memiliki 12 jasa dan menguasai 12 bintang/planet.
3.      Hercules yang terkenal sebagai pahlawan perang tak tertandingi.
4.      Ba-al yang disembah orang-orang Israel adalah dewa pendududk asli tanah Kana’an yang terkenal juga sebagai dewa kesuburan.
5.      Dewa Ra, sembahan orang-orang Mesir Kuno; kepercayaan ini menyebar hingga ke Romawi dan diperingati secara besar-besaran dan dijadikan sebagai pesta rakyat.
Demikian juga Serapsis, Attis, Issis, Horus, Adonis, Bacchus, Krisna, Osiris, Syamas, Kybele dan lain-lain. Selain itu ada lagi tokoh/pahlawan pada suatu bangsa yang oleh mereka diyakini dilahirkan oleh perawan, antara lain Zorates (bangsa Persia) dan Fo Hi (bangsa Cina). Demikian pula pahlawan-pahlawan Helenisme: Agis, Celomenes, Eunus, Soluius, Aristonicus, Tibarius, Grocecus, Yupiter, Minersa, Easter.
     Jadi konsep bahwa Tuhan itu dilahirkan seorang perawan pada tanggal 25 Desember disalib/dibunuh kemudian dibangkitan, sudah ada sejak zaman purba.
     Konsep/dogma agama bahwa Yesus adalah anak Tuhan dan bahwa Tuhan mempunyai tiga pribadi dengan sangat mudahnya diterima oleh kalangan masyarakat Romawi karana merekalah telah memiliki konsep itu sebelumnya. Mereka tinggal mengubah nama-nama dewa menjadi Yesus. Maka dengan jujur Paulus mengakui bahwa dogma-dogma tersebut hanyalah KEBOHONGAN yang sengaja dibuatnya. Kata Paulus kepada Jemaat Roma:
Tetapi jika kebesaran Allah oleh dustaku semakin melimpah bagi kemuliaannya, mengapa aku masih dihakimi lagi sebagai seorang berdosa?
(Roma 3:7)
Mengenai kemungkinan terjadinya pendustaan itu, Yesus telah mensinyalir lewat pesannya:
Jawab Yesus kepada mereka: Waspadalah supaya jangan ada orang yang menyesatkan kamu! Sebab banyak orang akan datang dengan memakai namaku dan berkata Akulah Mesias, dan mereka akan menyesatkan banyak orang.
(Matius 24:4-5).
Pandangan Bibel Tentang Upacara Natal.
Untuk mengetahui pandangan Bibel tentang perayaan Natal yang diwarisi oleh tradisi paganisme, baiklah kita telaah Yeremia 10:2-4:
”Beginilah firman Tuhan: ”Janganlah biasakan dirimu dengan tingkah langkah bangsa-bangsa, janganlah gentar terhadap tanda-tanda di langit, sekalipun bangsa-bangsa gentar terhadapnya. Sebab yang diseganii bangsa-bangsa adalah kesia-siaan. Bukanlah berhala itu pohon kayu yang ditebang orang dari hutan, yang dikerjakan dengan pahat oleh tukang kayu? Orang memperindahnya dengan emas dan perak; orang memperkuatnya dengan paku dan palu supaya jangan goyang”.
Demikianlah pandangan Bibel tentang upacara Natal yaitu melarang orang Kristen mengikuti kebiasaaan bangsa-bangsa penyembah berhala.
Selanjutnya mari kita simak penjelasan Yeremia 10:5
”Berhala itu sama seperti orang-orangan di kebun mentimun. Tidak dapat berbicara; orang harus mengangkatnya, sebab tidak dapat melangkah. Janganlah takut kepadanya, sebab berhala itu tidak dapat berbuat jahat, dan berbuat baik pun dia tidak dapt.”
Sumber-sumber Kristen yang Menolak Natal
1.      Catolic Encyclopedia, ediai 1911 tentang Christmas:
 ” Natal bukanlah upacara gereja yang pertama... melainkan ia diyakini berasal dari Mesir, perayaan yang diselenggarakan oleh para penyembah berhala dan  jatuh pada bulan Januari., kemudian dijadikan kelahiran Yesus.
Dalam buku yang sama, tentang ” Natal Day” dinyatakan sebagai berikut:
”Di dalam kitab suci tidak ada seorang pun yang mengadakan upacara atau penyelenggaraan perayaan untuk merayakan hari kelahiran Yesus. Hanyalah orang-orang kafir saja  (seperti Firaun dan Herodes) yang berpesta pora merayakan hari kelahirannya ke dunia ini.”
2.      Encyclopedia Britanica, edisi 1946 menyatakan:
”Natal bukanlah upacara gereja abad pertama, Yesus Kristus atau para muridnya tidak pernah menyelenggarakan dan Bibel juga tidak pernah menyelenggarakannya. Upacara ini diambil oleh gereja dari kepercayaan kafir penyembah berhala.”
3.      Encyclopedia Americana, edisi tahun 1944 menyatakan:
”Menurut para ahli, pada abad-abad permulaan, Natal tidak pernah dirayakan oleh umat Kristen. Pada  umumnya umat kristen hanya merayakan hari kematian orang-orang terkemuka saja, dan tidak pernah merayakan hari kelahiran tersebut.......”.
(Perjamuan Suci, yang termaktub dalam kitab Perjanjian Baru hanyalah untuk mengenang kematian Yesus Kristus)..... Perayaan Natal yang dianggap sebagai hari kelahiran Yesus, mulai diresmikan pada abad ke-4 M. Pada abad ke-5 M. Gereja Barat memerintahkan kepada umat Kristen untuk merayakan hari kelahiran Yesus, yang diambil dari hari pesta bangsa Roma yang merayakan hari ”Kelahiran Dewa Matahari”. Sebab tidak seorangpun mengetahui hari kelahiran Yesus.”


Mr Big adalah grup hard rock yang dibentuk pada tahun 1988. Band ini adalah kuartet terdiri dari Eric Martin (vokal), Paul Gilbert (gitar), Billy Sheehan (bass), dan Pat Torpey (drum); Mr Big juga termasuk Richie Kotzen, seorang gitaris blues berbasis reputasi yang menggantikan Gilbert pada tahun 1999 . band ini dikenal terutama untuk musik yang mereka, dan mencetak sejumlah hit. lagu mereka sering ditandai dengan vokal yang kuat dan harmoni vokal. hit mereka termasuk "To Be With You" nomor (100 Billboard Hot satu pun di 15 negara selama berminggu-minggu, tahun 1991) dan "Green-tinted Sixties Mind".

Setelah pemain bass Billy Sheehan meninggalkan David Lee Roth pada tahun 1988, ia mulai piecing bersama sebuah band baru dengan bantuan Mike Varney dari pecahan peluru Records, label khusus dalam shredding genre. Dia merekrut Eric Martin, penyanyi solo yang berorientasi rock dan bersandarkan pada soul, dan tidak lama kemudian ditambahkan Gilbert gitaris dan drummer Torpey. Gilbert sudah menjadi gitaris yang sangat dihormati yang telah merilis dua album dengan Los Angeles berbasis nya band Racer X. Torpey datang ke California dari Arizona, dan melakukan tur dengan beberapa seniman berprofil tinggi, terutama Robert Plant.

Band yang baru terbentuk mempekerjakan Herbie Herbert, mantan manajer Journey, Eropa, dan Santana, untuk menjadi manajer mereka. Pada tahun 1989, mereka menandatangani kontrak dengan Atlantic Records dan merilis debut berjudul-diri mereka pada tahun yang sama. Rekor tidak mendapatkan sebuah band rock mainstream penonton di Amerika Serikat, namun sukses di Jepang. Pada bulan Juni 1990, kelompok ini melakukan tur di Amerika untuk membuka Rush.

Mr Big, Band, Biografi
album kedua Mr Big pada tahun 1991 Lean Into It, merupakan sukses dipasaran, terutama dua balada, "To Be With You" (nomor satu lagu di lima belas negara) dan "Just Take My Heart, dan" Green-tinted Sixties Mind " . Mereka melakukan tur Inggris pada bulan April dan Mei 1991 dan lagi pada tahun 1992, merilis album live, Mr Big Live, pada tahun 1992. Selama tiga malam, mereka band pembuka untuk Aerosmith di London's Wembley Arena.

Pada tahun 1993, balada lain, sebuah cover dari "Cat Stevens Wild World", (dari album ketiga mereka, Bump Ahead) menempati posisi # 27 di Billboard Hot 100. Band ini juga memberikan kontribusi soundtrack untuk rilis Sega Mega CD The Amazing Spider-Man vs Kingpin. Mereka merilis Hei Man pada tahun 1995. Lagu "Take Cover" termasuk pada soundtrack untuk seri kartun Mega Man. Walaupun band ini pernah sukses sebelumnya direplikasi di pasar AS, popularitas mereka terus meroket di Jepang, mereka juga memperoleh stabler baru berikut di pasar Asia Tenggara seperti Thailand dan Korea Selatan. Di Jepang dan di seluruh Asia, di sisi lain,

what makes you beautiful

[Verse 1]
You’re insecure,
Don’t know what for,
You’re turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don’t need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell,
You don’t know,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe,
You don’t know,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful,
Oh oh,
That’s what makes you beautiful
[Verse 2]
So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I’m right,
I put it in a song,
I don’t know why,
You’re being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,
Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell,
You don’t know,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe,
You don’t know,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful,
Oh oh,
That’s what makes you beautiful
Na Na Na Na Na Na Naaa,
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]
[Middle 8]
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell,
You don’t know,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful,
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell,
You don’t know,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful ([Zayn:] Oh),
If only you saw what I can see,
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately ([Zayn:] Desperately),
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe,
You don’t know,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don’t know you’re beautiful,
Oh oh,
That’s what makes you beautiful

astral project


Hal pertama yang yang harus kita pahami adalah,
apakah yang di maksud dengan Astral Projection ?

Pernahkan kita merasa
dejavu ?
berada di tempat yang berbeda pada saat bersamaan ?
ketakutaan, kelelahan atau kebahagiaan
setelah bangun dari mimpi ?
mendengar cerita orang2 yang kembali dari mati suri nya ?

Astral projection sederhananya bisa disebut kemampuan untuk keluar dari
dari tubuh fisik.


Setiap orang biasanya keluar dari tubuh fisiknya secara alami pada
malam hari pada saat transisi kondisi antara mengantuk dan akan tidur.
Tanda2nya dimana tubuh merasa ringan, rileks atau ada perasaan seperti
sedikit melayang bagi yang lebih sensitif.


Astral Projection adalah teknik untuk memindahkan kesadaran
dari tubuh fisik ke tubuh astral.

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa kita mempunyai
beberapa 'wadah' bagi kesadaran kita, dan tubuh
astral adalah salah satunya.

Dalam pengertian proyeksi astral, pada saat keluar dari tubuh fisik,
adalah tidak adanya konsep waktu dan jarak. Semuanya ada disini dan
saat ini juga .. agak aneh y, but that's real :), sehingga kita sering
mendengar orang yang bisa diliat di beberapa tempat sekaligus.


Jika kita melakukan perjalanan astral ini secara 'sadar'
maka tidak berbahaya. Jadi ada baiknya kita melatih terlebih dahulu
kesadaran agar dapat mengkontrol kemana akan pergi dan apa yang akan


Biasanya ketika seseorang bermimpi mendatangi suatu tempat,
sebenarnya dia berada diluar tubuh fisk.

Jika kita pernah bangun di tengah malam atau mendekati subuh dengan
sedikit sensasi di tubuh atau merasa kaget, pada saat itulah kesadaran
kembali dari tubuh astral ke tubuh fisik. Jika saat bangun, dapat
mengingat dengan baik apa yang kita alami selama mimpi maka itu kita
habis melakukan perjalanan astral.


Prinsip sederhananya adalah mencoba melatih untuk mengingat mimpi kita.

Sebelum tidur siapkan kertas dan pensil, dan buat suatu niat yang kuat
ke diri bahwa 'Saya Akan Ingat', 'Saya Akan Ingat', 'Saya Akan Ingat'.

Setelah bangun langsung tulis semua apa yang kita ingat pada waktu
tubuh fisik tadi lagi tidur.

Setelah 1 - 3 minggu, latihan ini akan kelihatan perkembangannya,
dimana secara sadar kita akan melatih kemampuan kita untuk
mengalami mimpi secara sadar dan secara tidak langsung melakukan
perjalanan astral secara sadar tanpa dalam keadaan tidur

(Diterjemahkan dari beberapa sumber)


Pengalaman saya dalam hal Astral Projection masih sangat awam, tapi saya pernah mencoba beberapa hari yg lalu sebelum saya posting artikel ini, saya mencoba mempraketkannya dan berhasil meski hanya persekian detik (karena takut ada apa-apa so saya balik lg), Menurut saya sendiri sih Astral cukup membuat kita untuk terkejut dan shock di awal anda berhasil melakukannya. Hal ini dikarenakan saat kita melakukan Astral anda akan melihat beberapa makhluk yg Unknown, saya gak tau nyebutmya apa so saya pake istilah unknown atau bisa juga makhluk halus/soft living think i mean. Perhaps u are affraid of them? Prepare ur mind n heart!!!
Oh y saran saya untuk belajar Metafisika macem ini, anda perlu pembimbing, coz ada beberapa resikonya kalau anda mencoba melakukannya sendiri, ask google d risk behind Astral Projection!!! Be carefull!

"Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy"

If you're a red hot fire cracker
I will light your fuse
If you cry like a little girl
I'll dry your baby blues
When you need a man of action
I'm ready to make my move
Like a shotgun shot, Johnny on the spot
There's nothing I can't do

Everything you're looking for
You can find in me
I'll be anything you want
Anyone you need
I'll be your daddy, your brother, your lover and
your little boy.

When your body needs salvation
I'll be your tender touch
I'll take all the love you give me
And give you twice as much
When we get undercover
And do the horizontal mile
I'm in the mood to answer to your call of the wild

Everything you're looking for
You can find in me
I'll be anything you want
Anyone you need
Everything you're looking for
Anything that you want and more
I'll be your daddy, you brother, your lover and
your little boy

Perbudakan Melalui Kendali Pikiran dan Tata Dunia Baru (Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order) By Uri Dowbenko | conspiracyplanet.com

High-tech slavery is alive and well on planet Earth. Ever since World War II when the United States Government's Project Paperclip sponsored the resettlement of about 2,000 high-level Nazis in the United States, the technology of mind-control programming has advanced rapidly.
"The Germans under the Nazi government began to do serious scientific research into trauma-based mind control," write Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler in their book, The Illuminati Formula used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave. "Under the auspices of the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, Josef Mengele conducted mind-control research on thousands of twins and thousands of other hapless victims."
Mengele, known as "the Angel of Death", was one of the approximately 900 military scientists and medical researchers secretly exfiltrated into the United States, where he continued his 'research' and trained others in the black arts of mind control. This work in behaviour manipulation was later incorporated into the CIA's projects Bluebird and Artichoke which, in 1953, became the notorious MKULTRA. The CIA claims that these programs were discontinued, but there is no credible evidence that "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" (the title of the definitive book by John Marks) ever ceased.
In fact, Captain John McCarthy, US Army Special Forces (Ret.), who ran CIA assassination teams out of Saigon during the Vietnam War, told his friend, LAPD whistleblower Mike Ruppert, that "MKULTRA is a CIA acronym that officially stands for 'Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations'". Thus the CIA's official obsession with producing programmed killers through the MKULTRA contained more than 149 sub-programs in fields ranging from biology, pharmacology, psychology to laser physics and ESP.
More recently, new evidence points to the continuous use of so-called trauma-based programming techniques to accomplish the same goal. This includes the deliberate induction of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) in involuntary human subjects - in essence, human guinea pigs.
MPD has been reclassified by the American Psychiatric Association as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The psychiatrists' bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV, p. 487), characterises it by:
A. The presence of two or more distinct personality states;
B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behaviour;
C. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness;
D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition.
No matter what name is assigned to the problem, however, to create this condition by conscious intent is an atrocity so depraved that trauma-based mind-control programming remains the de facto Secret Holocaust of the 20th century. Known as the Monarch Project, it has been verified and corroborated by numerous survivors like Cathy O'Brien, author of TranceFormation of America, Brice Taylor, author of Starshine, and K. Sullivan, author of MK. No paper trail has been found which leads from the CIA's MKULTRA program to the Monarch Project - a catchword for mind control which involves US military, CIA, NASA and other government agencies.
The Franklin Cover-up, attorney John W. DeCamp's groundbreaking book about high-level pedophilia, also describes the sordid details of Monarch. "Drugs are not the deepest level of government-sponsored evil," he writes. "I think the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who conjured up and carried out the 'Monarch Project'. 'Monarch' refers to young people in America who were victims of mind-control experiments run either by US government agencies such as CIA or military intelligence agencies."
DeCamp's client, Monarch abuse survivor Paul Bonacci, has a story which parallels the victimology of O'Brien, Taylor and Sullivan - an extensive cross-corroboration of perpetrators and their methodology. It's simply "the production of a horde of children in whom the soul is crushed, who would spy, whore, kill and commit suicide", in the words of investigative reporter Anton Chaitkin, quoted by DeCamp in his book.
Recovering Monarch victims speak of ongoing trauma through "ritual abuse", also known as "satanic ritual abuse" because of the identifiable iconography of a belief structure associated with Satanism or Luciferianism. By using drugs, hypnosis, torture and electroshock, the Monarch criminal perpetrators have produced new and succeeding generations of victims.
This is not science fiction, but science fact. MPD involves the creation of personality "alters": alternative personalities or personality fragments which can be used for specific tasks - usually for illegal activities like delivering drugs or other black-market activities (mules), messages (couriers) or killings (assassins). These alters, or soul fragments, are segregated and compartmentalised within the victim's mind by the repeated use of stun guns, drugs and hypnosis, which isolates the memories of their experiences.
An alter can be accessed by anyone who knows the "codes" or "triggers". These triggers, which induce an altered or trance state in a programmed victim, can be anything including telephone tones, nursery rhymes, dialogue from certain movies or hand signals.
According to Springmeier and Wheeler, whose 468-page book has become a reference in the field, "...the basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called 'alters' can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that prevents the abusers from being found out and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their system of alters is being used."
The mind-control programming, however, has not worked according to plan. In fact, the perpetrators, in their arrogance and hubris, never dreamed that their methods could fail. The retrieval of survivors' photographic-like memories of actual abuse incidents, including images, sounds and smells, constitutes a major exposure of human rights abuses. These victims bear witness to the secret atrocities of the so-called New World Order.
More on Illuminati Mind Control
According to John Coleman, author of Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300: "...the Illuminati is very much alive and well in America... Since the Illuminati is also known as Satanism, it must follow that the CIA was controlled by a Satanist while Dulles had charge of it. The same holds true for George Bush [a member of the Order of Skull and Bones].
"Given the ghastly mind-control experiments constantly being conducted by the CIA, and its past connections to fiendish monsters like Dr Campbell and Dr Sidney Gottlieb, it does not take much to conclude that the CIA follows satanic roads," Coleman concludes in his monograph, "Illuminati in America".
With regards to "the brainwashing capabilities of the Tavistock Institute as well as US Department of Defense projects like the Advanced Research Project Agency", Coleman writes that "...the bottom line of the projects is mind control as predicted by the book, The Technotronic Era, by Zbigniew Brzezinski. The project goes by the name 'Monarch Program' and it is a vast project involving not only the CIA but the Army, Air Force and Navy with all of their skills and vast resources."
Sullivan's Travels
The horrific torture and sexual abuse of children, also called "satanic ritual abuse", has been a key component in the creation of mind-controlled slaves.
Mind-control survivor K. Sullivan has written an astounding book called MK, a fictionalised account of her life, which describes the world of multiple personalities. To her credit, Sullivan has been able to reconstruct from her memories the actual mechanics and methodology of going from one alter state to another. A programmed assassin and sex slave, Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Robert Maxwell, Henry Kissinger, George Bush and Billy Graham, among others. One of her controllers was deceased CIA operative James Jesus Angleton, who has been widely regarded as a KGB and Mossad asset.
In a recent interview, Sullivan spoke about her background as a "family-generational slave" to the elite and about her stepfather, now deceased, who was initially her primary programmer. His cover was a church-going, upstanding citizen, a professional mechanical and systems engineer with a curious interest in robotics.
"There were a number of people who trained, conditioned, then broke my will, broke my psyche and programmed me in different altered states," she said in a recent interview. "My father was the one who did me the most. He did it through terror. He did it through torture. He was a very brilliant man, and he seemed to enjoy doing it to me and other children."
Confirming that her father was "horribly abused as a child", Sullivan added: "I know that for certain. His father was a Welsh Druid who had been sold as a child to a ship captain who brought him over to the US. At least that's the mentality in my family, for slavery of children to be okay. I heard this from older family members. They've never denied it. But my grandfather was a covert Druid as well. I'm sure he brought the religion over with him. One of the things he would do is go to the graveyard near his house and dig up bodies, then take them into the basement and take them apart and have fun with them. And he also did rituals out in the woods sometimes at night. He would sacrifice babies. And I was exposed to that. So I'm sure my father was, too, which left him no other alternative but to become like his father."
And how is this behaviour related to Satanism or is it just generational child abuse?
"I think it's both," she answered slowly. "And what it boils down to is these people are doing illegal activities. Criminals tend to find criminals. They tend to gravitate toward each other. It's amazing how they can find each other out. My grandfather developed connections to the Mafia in our area. I understand it was the Colombo family. I don't know what he did exactly, but I do have one memory of riding in a cement truck where he and other drivers with cement trucks were using the cement from the trucks to bury several bodies. So I guess they just did whatever needed to be done. That was in New York and Pennsylvania. My father was an assassin as well as other things, and these people really enjoy killing people. He killed people more for favours than for hire. He got to have as many kids as he wanted to raise."
Her father also had CIA and NASA connections. "The CIA work seems to be rather covert. He worked for Western Electric and later on for AT&T," Sullivan said. "I found out, since then, that Western Electric has had very strong CIA ties. I have been able to go through some of his papers since his death in 1990, and I have found on his desk calendar for that year that he had several contacts with NASA. Since then I have remembered that there were several facilities that he took me to that were NASA facilities. The NASA connections seem to be directly connected to the Paperclip connection. The Nazis were brought into the country and then were integrated into the NASA structure after the war.
"My father, because of his Celtic background, had very low self-esteem," continued Sullivan. "Being exposed to some of these Nazi war criminals seemed to mean a whole lot to him because he had a mother that was German. Between the Celtic background and a German mother, these men built up his self-esteem as far as being Aryan. He very much identified with them, and I think, from what I understand, he got a lot of his training especially from one man I knew as Dr Schwartz. He had slightly wavy black hair and very dark eyes. He was slim. I can't say his height because I was just a child. He had a definite German accent. People called him Herr Doctor or Dr Schwartz, one of the two. Sometimes he was called Dr Black. He was a pedophile for sure and he was a very cold man. He liked to make kids think that they would feel safe with him, but he would do something that would upset the children and then they would be afraid of him after that."
Multi-Mode Programming
Sullivan said that she was used to sexually service both males and females in the Beta mode, and to do assassination, bodyguarding and intrusions in hostage situations in the Delta mode.
And what is Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta programming?
"Alpha was the basis for all the other programs," she continued. "It seems to be where a lot of information was stored in my memory, in my mind, that was used by programmers to develop the other programs. It's where some of my more generic alter states were also stored. Beta was the sexual servicing part of me. They also sometimes called the alter state 'Barbie'. It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie." Like Barbie doll?
Survivors Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor were also subjected to Beta, or sex-slave, programming. They, like actress Marilyn Monroe, were called "presidential models", mind-controlled slaves for the use of high-level politicians.
According to Springmeier's book, "...in 1981, the New World Order made training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O'Brien was used to make the film How To Divide a Personality and How To Create a Sex Slave. Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA create these training films."
Sullivan recalled: "I was used both as a child and as an adult in those alter states, and I had more than one. In those alter states I would not resist. I had no anger. I was an absolute sexual slave and I would do whatever I was told to do."
Delta programming is military-assassin programming that has trickled into popular consciousness through movies like La Femme Nikita, its American remake, Point of No Return, and The Long Kiss Goodnight.
Regarding the Delta programming, Sullivan said: "...it was when I was used to do hits, kills, and also bodyguarding and hostage extraction. I had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training and had different modes to do different things."
Why was the training kept separate for different alters?
"Part of it was so I wouldn't recall too much at any one time - if I did start to remember," she said. "And also because they hand-pick each part out for a certain type of situation. If you had a part coming out that was very loyal to people that that part was bodyguarding, you don't want that part going off and killing somebody. And you don't want a part that's specifically programmed to kill coming out and feeling sorry for the target. So you have to keep the emotions and the motives separate as well. And so that's why they had to have different parts."
Sullivan's description of Theta programming seems to correlate with the development and use of so-called extrasensory powers and extraphysical abilities.
"Theta was where they used - I don't like the word 'psychic' because I think it's been so misused - thought energy," she said. "I just knew it as magnetic-type energy from the individual to do a number of different things that they were experimenting with, including long-distance mind connection with other people - even in other countries. I guess you would call it 'remote viewing' - where I could see what a person was doing in another state in a room or something like that.
"It was both actual programming and experimentation. Because what they did - they kept it encapsulated in several parts of me, several altered states. It was a lot of training, a lot of experimentation."
Theta programming also implies the use of thought energy to kill someone at a distance.
"A lot of times I ran across other victims with Theta programming," Sullivan said in a recent CKLN radio interview. "One of the movie and book themes they used extensively was Dune, by Frank Herbert. It won't be too hard to figure because what they taught us was that we could cause things to happen to other people. It was to build up rage inside. It would come out in a form of pure energy that would hit them... They had talked about people imploding internally in their digestive organs. I don't know because I can't see what goes on inside another body, but I do know that it does work."
The calculated admixture of doing good and evil seems to be a hallmark of the Illuminati methodology. It's as if they recognise, at a spiritual level, that all the horrible karma they create can be balanced by generous philanthropic gestures; for example, giving a billion dollars to the United Nations, or other feats of extraordinary compassion.
"Also, they tried to use me for hands-on healing because I had a grandmother who was a healer from Sweden," said Sullivan. "So they were trying - that was me and several other survivors I talked to since - to use them in that mode also. And hands-on healing means that you would focus electromagnetic energy into the other person's body."
Brice Taylor's Ordeal
Another book, Brice Taylor's Starshine: One Woman's Valiant Escape from Mind Control, corroborates Cathy O'Brien's and K. Sullivan's experiences. Even though it's a fictionalised account, the book clearly indicates that major crimes have been - and are being - committed by the major players of the world's power elites.
Brice Taylor was also a "presidential model", and in a recent interview she went into intimate details of her many experiences with politicians promoting the New World Order.
"What it [being a presidential model] means," she explained, "is that your program is to have sex with presidents; and I did overhear this, that different politicians were encouraged to use CIA escorts for sex, so they wouldn't be in a vulnerable position if they ever disclosed any national security secrets to anyone on the outside, or for blackmail."
And how would she characterise this so-called New World Order?
"It is an attempt to bring in a One World Government in which elite families have things the way they want. Their belief was that the planet was overpopulated and that something had to be done: psychological and biological warfare. They considered mind control as a tool, their ace in the hole, something really different that would act as an invisible weapon."
Adventures With Henry K. and the Council
In her recovery, Brice Taylor also had memories of being used by Henry Kissinger as a mind-controlled courier.
"If you program someone to have a perfect photographic memory and total recall, then you have the capacity to be able to deal with many different tasks and assignments simultaneously," she explains. "Henry Kissinger created a 'mindfile' inside of my head. I would be sent around to all these leaders to keep their data - on some of their projects or whatever their agenda was - sorted. When they'd meet people, I would be programmed by either Kissinger or Nelson Rockefeller. This was in the mid-1960s."
But who's running the 'show'?
"I think there's this other layer that I call 'the Council' in my book," Taylor explained. "I know that this is a group of men that stand head and shoulders above even Kissinger and the Rockefellers. They have been genetically engineered in a way that they have [she hesitated, searching for the right words] different leadership abilities and that they are actually the ones running the plan."
They refer to themselves as "the Council"?
"Yes. When I was telling other people within the intelligence community about it that were involved in it, they said they call themselves the Council. The CIA has all these mind-control operatives that are working for the Government. Then there's the Council, which also understands about the mind-control project. But the Council is not CIA controlled. They could take someone like myself and be able to debrief me to find out what my agenda was."
More Bad Memories
And how did Ms Taylor first figure out she was suffering from MPD and that she was a programmed multiple?
"It started in 1985," said Taylor. "I had a very serious car accident in which my head went through the windshield. I began to have memory flashes like a memory bleed-through from one alter to another. I think what occurred was I began having access to both sides of my brain. Before, with all the sophisticated programming, half my brain was shut away from me. Now the neuron pathways had opened up because of the accident. I know of other women who have also had memories come back."
So a blow to the brain had broken up the programming?
"Exactly," she said. "What happened is my memories began coming back. I was in school, working on my Master's degree in psychology, when a flood of memories came back. I have a closet full of journals. I wrote down everything I was remembering. Once I got to a certain level, I had a lot of therapeutic support because, every time I'd start remembering, I'd want to hurt myself or kill myself. I lost control of my body in a car on the freeway in the fast lane one time as I was trying to really understand how programming worked. I was trying to understand from inside; a part of me was trying to explain programming to me, and I was on the freeway in the fast lane and I could not move my body. It was terrifying. These are the kinds of things I had to constantly fight.
"When I deprogrammed I literally spent two years in my bedroom, drinking coffee, just writing everything down," she said. "They programmed me with perfect photographic memory. When memories came back, like the ones with Kissinger, I not only could hear his words and his voice, I could smell his cigar. I could smell his farts. I mean, I could hear and see as I remembered everything in my mind."
The Satanic Ritual Murder Connection
Missing children, sexual abuse of children and pedophilia around the world all point to the involvement of an organised network of high-level criminals who covertly control the legal system. Former FBI agent and private investigator Ted Gunderson agrees. He claims that "there's a considerable overlap from various groups and organisations, but one of the driving forces is the satanic cult movement today".
In his video, Satanism and the CIA's International Trafficking of Children, Gunderson refers to the notorious black magician Aleister Crowley. "The Satanists have used his writings as a guide," he says, referring to Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice.
In Chapter XII, "Of the Bloody Sacrifice" (p. 94), Crowley writes: "It would be unwise to condemn as irrational the practice of those savages who tear the heart and liver from an adversary and devour them while yet warm. In any case it was the theory of the ancient Magicians that any living being is a storehouse of energy, varying in quantity according to the size and health of the animal, and in quality according to its mental and moral character. At the death of the animal this energy is liberated suddenly.
"The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle [the satanic circle] or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape. An animal should be selected whose nature accords with that of the ceremony - thus by sacrificing a female lamb one would not obtain any appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to the Magician who was invoking Mars. In such a case a ram would be more suitable. And this ram should be virgin - the whole potential of its original total energy should not have been diminished in any way. For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains that greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."
"We're talking about human sacrifice here," says Gunderson.
More recently the 'tradition' of human sacrifice has been promoted by the late Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, who wrote in the Satanic Bible (p. 88) that "the only time a Satanist would perform a human sacrifice would be if he were to serve a twofold purpose; that being to release the magickian's [sic] wrath in throwing a curse and, more importantly, to dispose of a totally obnoxious and deserving person".
Note the casual reference to murdering someone because he or she 'displeased' the Satanist/black magician. Ding dong, LaVey is dead, but his crimes live on. He's been named by several of his victim-slaves as a mind-control perpetrator. The late 'perp' himself wrote in the Satanic Bible (p. 90) that "the ideal sacrifice may be emotionally insecure, but nonetheless can in the machinations of his insecurity cause severe damage to your tranquility or sound reputation".
The Satanists, after all, follow Crowley's injunction: "Do what thou wilt. That is the the law." In other words, Satanists as gods themselves will decide what to do - bypassing God's laws as well as the laws of men. It sounds like the modus operandi of the Illuminati.
Gunderson makes this further comment in his video: "In my estimation, there are over three million practising Satanists in America today. How did I come up with these figures? I have informants. For instance, in the South Bay area of Los Angeles with a population of 200,000, he told me there are 3,000 practising Satanists. That is where the well-known McMartin Preschool case took place. I have an informant in Lincoln, Nebraska. In Iowa City, Iowa, a town of 150,000 - 1,500 Satanists. It averages to about 1.5 per cent of the population."
Gunderson asserts that "...50,000 to 60,000 individuals are sacrificed every year. There are about eight satanic holidays."
The sick joke of it all? The FBI keeps a count of stolen or missing cars, but has yet to keep a tab on missing children in America.
Crypto-Satanist in the FBI?
You shouldn't be surprised to know that FBI Supervisory Special Agent Kenneth V. Lanning, of the Behavioral Science Unit of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, denies the existence of satanic ritual abuse in his 1992 Investigator's Guide to Allegations of Ritual Child Abuse. Lanning's intellectual posturing and specious reasoning should be studied as a prime example of serpentine logic. His semantics are brilliant, as he claims that "the words 'satanic', 'occult' and 'ritual' are often used interchangeably" and "it is difficult to define Satanism precisely". Then he frames the discussion of Satanism in non-judgemental terms, that "it is important to realize that for some people any religious belief system other than their own is satanic".
As Pilate asked "What is truth?", Lanning asks "What is Satanism?" He writes that at "...law enforcement training conferences, it is witchcraft, santeria, paganism and the occult that are most often referred to as forms of Satanism. It may be a matter of definition, but these things are not necessarily the same as traditional Satanism." He almost trips over himself declaiming the impossibility of knowing the definition. Then he dismisses satanic ritual abuse as a simple psychological problem: "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder".
Of course, if he had taken the time to interview true believers, he would know that it's an actual belief system based on the ritual performance of torture and murder in loyalty to Satan and as an exchange for future rewards from the forces of darkness.
Lanning's denial, ignoring the evidence of mind-control atrocities and ritual abuse, is astonishing. Is Lanning a crypto-Satanist? He's publicly denied it, but he didn't have to bother. His "freedom of religion" is protected by the US Constitution.
Fatal Justice Revisited
Private investigator Ted L. Gunderson was dragged kicking and screaming into the netherworld of Satanism, child kidnapping, drug smuggling and other corruption.
Before he retired in 1979, Gunderson was the FBI Special Agent in Charge (SAC) in Los Angeles. He headed the FBI office, where he had 800 people under him and a yearly budget of over US$24 million. Since then, Gunderson's role as a private investigator and security consultant has led him to expose CIA drug dealing, child kidnapping and trafficking, mind control, and satanic murder-for-hire groups. He has also investigated many high-profile cases like the Dr Jeffrey McDonald case, the McMartin Preschool case, Nebraska's Franklin Cover-up case, the Oklahoma City Bombing case, the Inslaw/Octopus case, and many other real-life criminal conspiracies.
"Shortly after my retirement, I was asked to investigate the Jeffrey R. McDonald case as a private investigator," said Gunderson in a recent interview. "He's a doctor who was convicted of murdering his wife and two children at Fort Bragg, North Carolina on February 17, 1970. I put in about 2,000 hours on the case. He had been convicted and sentenced to three consecutive life sentences. Much to my surprise, the evidence that I read, the information I developed...I've established beyond any question of a doubt that this man is absolutely innocent."
Jerry Allen Potter, author of Fatal Justice, a powerful point-by-point refutation of Joe McGinnis's cover-up book, Fatal Vision, agrees. His book exposes McGinnis's best-seller as pure fiction.
Gunderson continued: "I obtained a signed confession from Helena Stokely, the girl in the floppy hat, for those who are familiar with the case. She said Dr McDonald did not commit these crimes. They were committed, she said '...by my satanic cult group. It was my initiation into the cult that night,' she said."
After a while, Gunderson realised that the McDonald case was a classic case of US Government crime and cover-up.
"She gave me detailed information about movements within the house. She told me she attempted to ride a rocking horse in the child's bedroom that night, but she couldn't ride it because the spring was broken. The only way she could have known that was to have been there that night.
"I submitted an 1100-plus page report in March 1981 to Judge William Webster, who was then the head of the FBI, with a personal letter to him and to the US Department of Justice. Much to my surprise, my 19 witnesses including Helena Stokely started calling me and telling me, 'Hey Ted, they're trying to get me to recant.' And I'm telling myself, 'That isn't the responsibility of the FBI. The FBI is supposed to gather information, not destroy it.' And that was my first clue that we had a serious problem in that case and in the other cases I handled. I noticed in each instance that evidence was destroyed, lost, stolen; that there were strong indications of corruption.
"So I asked myself, 'What's going on here?' And over the years I started gathering materials. Up until about two years ago, I kept saying, 'There's a loose-knit network operating in this country, involving drugs, pedophilia, prostitution, corruption, etc. From my research, I'm convinced it's much more serious. It's much more than a loose-knit network. It is a conspiracy. And you know how the media goes after you when you use that 'c'-word. And I'm going to prove it to you. By the way, this conspiracy involves pornography, drugs, pedophilia and organised child kidnapping.
"My 'missing children' lecture documents that the Finders, an organisation in Washington, DC, is a CIA front," said Gunderson. "It's a covert operation involved in international trafficking of children."
He was referring to a US Customs Service report which states that the Finders case is to be closed because it is "an internal CIA matter".
Gunderson added: "These people - the satanic movement in the world - have set up preschools for the purpose of getting their hands on our children. The parents drop them off at nine in the morning and pick them up at night."
Far-fetched? Think again. In The Law Is For All, Aleister Crowley writes: "Moreover, the Beast 666 [Crowley's reference to himself] adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog and mystery stupefy their minds whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of self-symbolism."
Spiritual Warfare and Satanic Imperialism
Sexual abuse of children and horrific mind control technology may be tenets of 'faith' for the Satanist believer as well as the programmer. Or they may be symptomatic of a larger struggle on a cosmic scale. When you peer in the face of Absolute Evil, you cannot remain complacent.
Therapist Dr M. Scott Peck, author of The People of the Lie, writes: "...at one point I defined evil as 'the exercise of political power that is the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion in order to avoid...spiritual growth'".
Psychologist Erich Fromm, author of The Heart of Man, defines this struggle between Good and Evil as biophilia (the love of life) vs necrophilia (the love of death). "The necrophilous person is driven by the desire to transform the organic into the inorganic, to approach life mechanically as if all living persons were things," he writes. "The necrophilous person can relate to an object - a flower or a person - only if he possesses it; hence a threat to his possession is a threat to himself... He loves control and in the act of controlling he kills life... 'Law and order' for them are idols..."
In the end, it may be that spiritual warfare - or the clash of the absolutes - is the real reason why ritual abuse and high-tech mind control have been exposed. Satanic imperialism continues unabated, and the battle for planet Earth moves to the next stage.